The goal of Smokehouse Foundation is to address and mitigate problems faced by people in remote communities. At the core of Smokehouse Foundation’s philosophy is building relationships with communities and following the direction of the communities that we serve. We believe that local knowledge and trust should guide all of the projects that the foundation undertakes. To enact this philosophy, we want to take the time to build relationships with the community and employ members of the community in key roles in programming within their community.


What we do

  • Infrastructure

    Smokehouse helps communities by providing access to basic infrastructure such as clean drinking water and internet services in remote communities located in Coastal British Columbia.

  • Education

    Smokehouse helps communities provide continuing education and job training courses on topics such as tourism, business management and accounting, environmental management and conservation, technical training, vessel operation, and first aid.

  • Conservation

    Smokehouse helps protect the environment by conserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity in collaboration with remote communities and Nations in Coastal British Columbia.

  • Mental Health

    Smokehouse helps communities provide access to mental health counselling services to residents who otherwise lack access to regular mental health services.

Past Programming

Past programming with communities includes:

  • Helping to restore, repair, and rebuild a smokehouse

  • Helping to create and supply additional food infrastructure to help with the harvesting, processing, and preservation of local food resources

  • Development of a community led Guardian Program

  • Environmental projects such as forest and territorial surveys, monitoring of local bear populations, and enumeration of salmon populations

  • Facilitation of traditional-use and knowledge sharing activities

  • Implement internet infrastructure in the main village site for a community