Welcome to Smokehouse Foundation

Smokehouse Foundation is an Indigenous-led charitable organization that strives to promote cultural, social, physical, and economic health and wellness of all people facing issues of remoteness, capacity barriers, or systemic marginalization. At the core of Smokehouse Foundation’s philosophy is building relationships with communities and following the direction of the communities that we service. We believe that local knowledge and trust should guide all of the projects that the foundation undertakes.

Smokehouse was taken as the name of our organization as it is both a symbol of resilience and a beacon of hope. The smokehouse represents abundance, planning, community, and security. From the preservation and storage of precious food resources to safety and reassurance for when the winter approaches. Winter is the time of Elders, of wisdom, storytelling, and teaching and where knowledge is passed down to future generations. The smokehouse provides an opportunity for a return and revitalization of the unique cultures and communities of coastal British Columbia. It may look different from place to place and from culture to culture, but what has endured is its necessity, functionality, and proven record for ensuring health and prosperity for families, communities, and the natural world. 

We want to work to put the tools in the hands of remote and marginalized communities to continue leading a life connected to nature, but not at the cost of equitable participation in a modern and evolving world. Traditional lifestyles, access to nature, safety and security, should be available without limiting participation, inclusion, and connectedness to communities and support systems.